“During my twenty years on the headlands giving whale talks I have been stunned by the number of people who have told me stories about how they have found a whale or dolphin on a beach, often while they were holidaying in a remote area. That started me thinking that if more people in the community knew the basic things to do, then more whale rescues could be successful. It is up to the professional organisations such as National Parks & Wildlife Service and ORRCA to ultimately do the rescuing, but the steps leading up to that are very important and can mean life or death to the whales. That’s why I have put this workshop together.” – Jeannie Lawson
‘First-aid for whales’ will give participants an overall knowledge of the natural history of whales and will also discuss theories on why they strand themselves on beaches. Rescue techniques will be taught and there is a practical session on the beach at the conclusion of the workshop.
It is made clear to participants that this is not a certified course and they are encouraged to seek further training to become qualified whale rescue team members with the above-mentioned organisations if they wish to further their involvement.
Event Details
Date: Sunday 13 July, 2014
Time: 9:45am registration – 2:30pm close
Venue: Hervey Bay Sailing Club, 427 Charlton Esplanade,Torquay
Contact: Kim Griffith, 0400 796 962
9.45 – Registrations
10.00 – Introduction
10.15 – Natural History
11.15 – Morning tea break
11.45 – Legislation
12.15 – Strandings
12.45 – Lunch break
1.30 – Practical session on beach
2.30 – Close
Pre -Registration essential [for numbers]
Bring your own lunch and drinks, hat, sunscreen, sensible beach shoes.