We strive to keep you well informed and up to date with all legal guidelines and any new technologies in the field.
We ask you to keep on top of your game and take our refresher course for Marine Mammal Observers, inline with your certificate and Identification card it will expire after four years. If you wish to update your training and take the refresher we will issue you with a new certificate and ID card.
Show your professionalism by keeping on top of all the newest trends in your industry.
If you book and pay for your refresher course online by September the 30th you will get 30% off if you use the UpSkill30.
The Online Interactive Theory Modules must be completed and passed 48 hours before the student can take the practical assessment or the MMO/JNCC upgrade Course.
On completion of the Theory and Practical Assessments
You will receive a formal Scanning Ocean Sectors, Marine Mammal Observer certificate (PDF).
Once you add on the JNCC upgrade the certificate and Identification card authenticates that the staff are JNCC certified (MMO course only) and the issue of the ID card is unique to Scanning Ocean Sectors.
- Full terms and conditions are available at marinemammalobservertraining.com/legal/course-terms-and-conditions/
* Regional work visas apply for all jobs