Passive Acoustic Monitor

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Passive Acoustic Monitoring Operator Course

The Passive Acoustic Monitoring Operator training course is a two day intensive training course that provides a basic introduction to all aspects of being a PAM operator. The course provides background information on the need for PAM operators and then gives a good grounding in PAMO systems, underwater acoustics and noise, the calls that marine [...]

2015-02-22T23:43:06+00:00February 10th, 2015|News|Comments Off on Passive Acoustic Monitoring Operator Course

2013 South Africa PAM course dates

We have just released our course date for the Passive Acoustic Monitor training course in South Africa. You can now attend our training course in Cape Town on the 21st - 22nd September 2013. To register for our 2013 PAM training course please click here or on the "Register" menu option above.

2017-05-04T02:43:42+00:00September 2nd, 2013|News|Comments Off on 2013 South Africa PAM course dates

New Training Course Dates

Due to popular demand in Australia we have now included two extra training course dates to be held in Perth, Prosperpine as well as our usual location of Hervey Bay. Find out more on our training courses below: MMO Training Course: PAM Training Course:

2017-05-04T02:43:43+00:00July 6th, 2010|Training Course|Comments Off on New Training Course Dates

Marine Mammal Observer & Passive Acoustic Monitor Jobs Board

Scanning Ocean Sectors has launched a FREE jobs board targeted at the marine mammal observer and passive acoustic monitor industry. The job board is free to use by both job seekers and posters across the world so please feel free to use this for your company or personal use. View Marine Mammal Observer & Passive [...]

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